On Friday, October 29, Ed Wall, Tim Waterman, and Jane Wolff—co-editors of the recently published edited volume Landscape Citizenships (Routledge, 2021)—will join Thaïsa Way, Director of Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks in a Yale Environmental Humanities roundtable discussion and celebration of their new book. Joining from London, Toronto, and Washington, D.C., the roundtable discussants will also reflect upon how their own landscape emplacements and research positions informed the making of the book and its emphasis on democratic modes of landscape thinking and practice.
The event, the second in the yearlong “Landscape” Event Series organized by Yale Environmental Humanities, is free and open to the public. Event details and a Zoom link will be provided to registrants prior to the roundtable. Please register here if you would like to attend.
Event Coordinators:
Abigail Fields, Ph.D. Candidate in French; Yale Environmental Humanities Graduate Student Coordinator
Charlotte Leib, Ph.D. Student in History; Yale Environmental History Graduate Student Coordinator